Miss Grand Lake/Delaware County Pageant 2017




We recently had the pleasure of photographing the Miss Grand Lake Pageant. These girls were gorgeous! This is my first time to ever be at a pageant and see behind the scenes. I can not believe everything these girls go through! The day was jam packed full and they all looked so beautiful! I also enjoyed getting to watch them rehearse. They could sing so beautifully and those who didn’t sing had amazing dance talent. There were a variety of talents and each one was so fun to watch! The hard work of the girls show in their face, no not stress. Determination- how great it was to see a room full of dreams, and courageous young ladies going after their dream. I loved all the gorgeous outfits as well! I left wanting to shopping for a sparkly dress, although I have no where to wear such a dress. I still loved seeing each girl as they came out each time in a new outfit. Personalities were so fun and you can tell they have a passion for what they do-which totally made my day. They taught me a few new things and let me in on their pageant life- a world I have never known a thing about but am so happy to have this experience. Maybe the next one I won’t be so lost! I truly enjoyed getting to meet each of the girls and I hope to see them again at future pageants.

‘Practice like you’ve never won, Perform like you’ve never lost’

A huge thanks to the whole pageant committee, family members, friends, hair & makeup girls along with the stars of the show- the pageant girls. You truly looked stunning! Here are just a few sneak peeks. Gorgeous!



Gorgeous! Miss Grand Lake Pageant 2016-Heather Fink Photography







If you were in the pageant or had a family or friend in the pageant you can find all the pageant portraits here. Please look for special instructions in your email if you supplied it to us on pageant day. I’d love to work with you girls more and follow you through your pageants. To inquire about having me at your pageants or for additional portraits for pageant use please contact me so we can discuss details! If you have any questions please feel free to contact. Thank you, Enjoy! If you are a pageant director and would like more information on having HFPS at your next event please email us, we’d love to work with you!


~Heather Fink

Chasing the dreamĀ 

I remember a time when I sat behind a desk working 8-5. Monday through Friday. I spent probably 5 hours out of the day praying for God to bless me with a talent I could earn a living at. I was in photography for roughly 2 years before I realized he had answered my prayers. 

I wanted a talent I could share with others. Make people happy. Grow as much as I could handle and have the sky be the limit- who doesn’t dream of this? After I realized he had sent me blessings way beyond what I ever imagined, I ran with them. I’ve not stopped running to this day. I have been in photography for 7 years now and enjoy every second of it. I’ve done great, I’ve struggled, I have failed but I have yet to give up. I guess saying I have failed is a bit harsh. I’ll say I’ve fallen at times. It was in those times that God whispered to me ‘do not give up’. So despite any life changes or circumstances that may have been distracting to my business, I have not given up. I will continue to run after the dream in my heart because I prayed for this talent and I will not waste it. I love it to much! 

I also get the pleasure of mentoring other people who share my same passion. I get to help them chase their dream too! Sure, this creates more competition for me but the way I look at it is God will always provide for me. He gave me this talent to share with the world. No matter how much competition is out there, he will continue to guide and provide. 

We will be updating our mentorship and workshop page on our website. It is all currently being put together and we are so excited to launch it! There is so much fun stuff going on lately. It is very exciting!  If anyone is interested in workshops or mentoring, feel free to send in your email so we can send you details. We will only be taking in a certain number to ensure everything runs smooth for a while. We hope if photography is a passion of yours you will sign up & learn with us! 

Thanks for reading, Heather ~